LastPass Silent Install (How-To Guide)

LastPass is a freemium password manager that stores encrypted passwords online. This article will serve as an informative guide and give you a clear understanding of how to perform a silent installation of LastPass from the command line using the EXE installer.

How to Install LastPass Silently

LastPass 32-bit Silent Install (EXE)

  1. Download the LastPass 32-bit Installer
  2. Download the file to a folder created at (C:\Downloads)
  3. Open an Elevated Command Prompt by Right-Clicking on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
  4. Navigate to the C:\Downloads folder
  5. Enter the following command: lastpass.exe --silinstall --userinstallie --userinstallff --userinstallchrome
  6. Press Enter

After a minute or so you should see the LastPass shortcuts in the Start Menu, Installation Directory, and Programs and Features in the Control Panel.

Software Title:LastPass
Installer Type:EXE
Silent Install Switch:lastpass.exe --silinstall --userinstallie --userinstallff --userinstallchrome
Silent Uninstall Switch:lastpass.exe --siluninstall
Download Link:
PowerShell Script:

LastPass 64-bit Silent Install (EXE)

  1. Download the LastPass 64-bit Installer
  2. Download the file to a folder created at (C:\Downloads)
  3. Open an Elevated Command Prompt by Right-Clicking on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
  4. Navigate to the C:\Downloads folder
  5. Enter the following command: lastpass_x64.exe -si -i -f -c
  6. Press Enter

After a minute or so you should see the LastPass shortcuts in the Start Menu, Installation Directory, and Programs and Features in the Control Panel.

Software Title:LastPass
Installer Type:EXE
Silent Install Switch:lastpass_x64.exe -si -i -f -c
Silent Uninstall Switch:lastpass_x64.exe -sb
Download Link:
PowerShell Script:

The information above provides a quick overview of the software title, vendor, silent install, and silent uninstall switches. The download link provided take you directly to the vendors website. Continue reading if you are interested in additional details and configurations.

Additional Configurations

Available Command Line Parameters

-d, --debugWrites log file to C:\lpdebug.txt
-si, --silinstallSilent Install
-sb, --siluninstallSilent Uninstall
-j, --installdir=<str>Install Directory Location
-i, --userinstallieInstall Internet Explorer plugin
-f, --userinstallffInstall Firefox plugin
-c, --userinstallchromeInstall Chrome plugin
-lang, --language=<str>Default language for plugins
-delay, --delay=<str>Sleep X seconds before doing anything
-sys, --sysRestarts EXE as high integrity process
-b, --uninstallUninstall
-nar, --noaddremoveNo entry for Add/Remove Programs
-nsm, --nostartmenuNo Start Menu Group entry
-ndp, --nodisablepwmgrsDon’t disable browser password managers
-noimprove, --noimproveDon’t send anonymous error reporting
-nohistory, --nohistoryDon’t keep history of logins or formfills
--nomanualwinloginNo Link/Unlink to Windows Login
-dnot, --disablenotesDisable Secure Notes Feature
-dide, --disableidentitiesDisable Identities
-dvau, --disablevaultDisable Vault Feature
-dcon, --disablecontextDisable Context Menus
-dexp, --disableexportDisable Export Feature
-dimp, --disableimportDisable Import Feature
-dsha, --disablesharingDisable Sharing Feature
-dpri, --disableprintDisable Print Feature
-disableicon, --disableicon=<str>Default value of whether to show IE browser icon for all users (0|1)
--disableiconuser=<str>Override value of whether to show IE browser icon for a user (0|1)
-ia, --installforallusersDeprecated

How to Uninstall LastPass Silently

Check out the LastPass Install and Uninstall (PowerShell) post for a scripted solution.

  1. Open an Elevated Command Prompt by Right-Clicking on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
  2. Enter one of the following commands:

LastPass 32-bit Silent Uninstall (EXE)

lastpass.exe --siluninstall


lastpass.exe -sb

LastPass 64-bit Silent Uninstall (EXE)

lastpass_x64.exe --siluninstall


lastpass_x64.exe -sb

Always make sure to test everything in a development environment prior to implementing anything into production. The information in this article is provided “As Is” without warranty of any kind.