Java 11.0.17 Silent Install (How-To Guide)

The Java Development Kit, or JDK, is a set of tools for developing Java applications. This article will serve as an informative guide and give you a clear understanding of how to perform a silent installation of Java 11.0.17 from the command line using both EXE & MSI installers.

How to Install Java 11.0.17 Silently

Java SE Development Kit 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (EXE)

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Under Java SE Development Kit 11.0.17, select the Windows tab
  3. Select the x64 Installer
  4. Sign in to your Oracle account (Create an account if you don’t have one)
  5. Accept the Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE
  6. Download the jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe to a folder created at (C:\Downloads)
  7. Open an Elevated Command Prompt by Right-Clicking on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
  8. Navigate to the C:\Downloads folder
  9. Enter the following command: jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s
  10. Press Enter

After a few moments you will find Java entries in the Start Menu, Installation Directory, and Programs and Features in the Control Panel.

Software Title:Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit)
Vendor:Oracle Corporation
Installer Type:EXE
Silent Install Switch:jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s
Silent Uninstall Switch:MsiExec.exe /x {0232D1A9-B924-5BA2-8D5C-2C479AF9E842} /qn
Repair Command:MsiExec.exe /fa {0232D1A9-B924-5BA2-8D5C-2C479AF9E842} /qn
Download Link:
PowerShell Script:
Detection Script:

Java SE Development Kit 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (MSI)

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Under Java SE Development Kit 11.0.17, select the Windows tab
  3. Select the x64 Installer
  4. Sign in to your Oracle account (Create an account if you don’t have one)
  5. Accept the Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE
  6. Download the jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe to a folder created at (C:\Downloads)
  7. Manually Launch the jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe
  8. Navigate to “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Oracle\Java”
  9. Copy the jdk11.0.17_x64 folder to C:\Downloads
  10. Cancel & Close the “Java(TM) SE Development Kit 11.0.17 (64-bit) – Setup” window
  11. Open an Elevated Command Prompt by Right-Clicking on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
  12. Navigate to the C:\Downloads\jdk11.0.17_x64 folder
  13. Enter the following command: MsiExec.exe /i jdk11.0.1764.msi /qn
  14. Press Enter

After a few moments you will find Java entries in the Start Menu, Installation Directory, and Programs and Features in the Control Panel.

Software Title:Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit)
Vendor:Oracle Corporation
Installer Type:MSI
Silent Install Switch:MsiExec.exe /i jdk11.0.1764.msi /qn
Silent Uninstall Switch:MsiExec.exe /x {0232D1A9-B924-5BA2-8D5C-2C479AF9E842} /qn
Repair Command:MsiExec.exe /fa {0232D1A9-B924-5BA2-8D5C-2C479AF9E842} /qn
Download Link:
PowerShell Script:
Detection Script:

The information above provides a quick overview of the software title, vendor, silent install, and silent uninstall switches. The download links provided take you directly to the vendors website. Continue reading if you are interested in additional details and configurations.

Additional Configurations

Create a Java Installation Log File

The Java installers offer the option to generate a log file during installation to assist with troubleshooting should any problems arise. You can use the following commands to create a verbose log file with details about the installation.

Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (EXE) with Logging

jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s /L C:\Windows\Temp\jdk-11.0.17x64.log

Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (MSI) with Logging

MsiExec.exe /i jdk11.0.1764.msi /qn /L*v "%WINDIR%\Temp\jdk-11.0.17x64.log"

Disable the Auto Update Feature

Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (EXE) with Auto Update Disabled

jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s AUTO_UPDATE=0Option 1
jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s AUTO_UPDATE=DisableOption 2

Suppress End User License Agreement (EULA)

Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (EXE) with EULA Suppressed

jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s EULA=0Option 1
jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s EULA=DisableOption 2

Change Default Installation Directory (First Time Installs Only)

You can change the default installation directory by using the following command line parameters. In this example, I’m installing Java to “C:\Java”

Java JDK 11.0.17 64-bit (EXE)

jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s INSTALLDIR=C:\Java

Exclude Java Start Menu Items

Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (EXE) with Start Menu Items Excluded

jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s NOSTARTMENU=1Option 1
jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s NOSTARTMENU=EnableOption 2

Disable Java Web Analytics

Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (EXE) with Web Analytics Disabled

jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s WEB_ANALYTICS=0Option 1
jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s WEB_ANALYTICS=DisableOption 2

Set Java Web Security Level to Very High

Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (EXE) with Security Level Set to Very High

jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s WEB_JAVA_SECURITY_LEVEL=VH

Don’t Allow Java Applications to Run in Web Browser

Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (EXE) with Java Web Disabled

jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s WEB_JAVA=0Option 1
jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s WEB_JAVA=DisableOption 2

Disable 3rd Party Sponsor Offers

Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Install (EXE) with Sponsors Disabled

jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s SPONSORS=0Option 1
jdk-11.0.17_windows-x64_bin.exe /s SPONSORS=DisableOption 2

Deploy Java Using Configuration Files

You can standardize your Java deployments and enforce settings at the system level by utilizing the following method.

  • Open Notepad or your favorite text editor
  • Add the following lines:

Save the file and name it: deployment.config

  • Open Notepad again
  • Add the following lines:

Save the file and name it:

  • Open Notepad again
  • Add the following lines:

Save the file and name it: java.settings.cfg

If you need to allow access to specific Java enabled sites that would normally be blocked by security checks, then you should create a fourth configuration file as referenced below.

  • Open Notepad or your favorite text editor
  • Add the following lines using your specific site names and port numbers:

Save the file and name it: exception.sites

  1. Create a C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java directory (if not present)
  2. Copy the java.settings.cfg to C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\
  3. Follow the “How to Install Java 11.0.17 Silently” steps mentioned earlier in the article
  4. Create a C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment directory (if not present)
  5. Copy the deployment.config,, and exception.sites (if required) to C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\

Reference for file

Reference for Java configuration file

How to Uninstall Java 11.0.17 Silently

  1. Open an Elevated Command Prompt by Right-Clicking on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
  2. Enter one of the following commands:

Java JDK 11.0.17 (64-bit) Silent Uninstall

MsiExec.exe /x {0232D1A9-B924-5BA2-8D5C-2C479AF9E842} /qn

Always make sure to test everything in a development environment prior to implementing anything into production. The information in this article is provided “As Is” without warranty of any kind.